

フランス:働かない移民はいらない DNAで選別
フランス:「移民家族DNA検査」法案、週内採決へ 「働かず財政圧迫」長官が正当化
フランス外国人・移民受入庁のジャン・ゴッドフロイド長官は毎日新聞などと会見し、 仏国内の移民が家族を呼び寄せる際、DNA検査を実施する法案について「移民の家族が増え財政を圧迫している。働かない移民の家族は必要ない」と正当化した。
France to make some migrants pass DNA tests
By Jennifer Macey
Posted Wed Oct 24, 2007 9:03pm AEST
The migrants will have to sit a language and values test, provide DNA to prove their family ties, and ensure that their relatives can support them financially when they first arrive in France.
The French Government says the DNA tests will stop would-be migrants faking their papers, a practice the government says is common in some African countries.
Critics say the bill is still racist but Foreign Minister Brice Hortefeux defended the tests, saying they are already in use in 12 European countries.
"I remind you that the test is taken on the initiative of the person seeking a visa, it's not in any way a genetic file," he said.
"I hope that initially the procedure will only be carried out in a few countries, because I think it's useful and more effective to carry it out in steps before it's made more widespread."
But the controversial DNA test has been watered down to appease critics. It is no longer compulsory and will be trialed for 18 months in select countries.
The test will now be paid for by the French government and will only apply to maternal DNA to prevent any paternity disputes arising from the tests.
Critics such as Opposition Socialist MP Manuel Valls say new migrants should not be chosen on the basis of genetics.
"It's a question of values, and the civil code says that genetic testing is only allowed for medical or scientific research. This amendment is intolerable, it's unacceptable," he said.
The bill has divided the Government, with 22 members of President Nicolas Sarkozy's own party abstaining from the vote. One member described the test as disgusting.
The issue has also split the French public, with a recent newspaper poll finding that 49 per cent of respondents were in favour of the test, while 43 per cent were opposed.

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Immigration truth that Labour dare not speak
Last Updated: 12:01am BST 24/10/2007
What a difference a few years make. In November 2003, the then Home Secretary, David Blunkett, said that there was "no obvious limit" to the number of immigrants who could settle in this country.
Yesterday, the immigration minister, Liam Byrne, said there was a need for "swift and sweeping changes" so that "only those whom Britain needs can come to work and study".
Meanwhile, it is the Tories who are talking the best sense, with hard-headed plans for a dedicated border police force and an annual cap on immigrant numbers. We trust they will never again be inhibited from speaking out on the issue by Labour's vile allegations of racism.
